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YNSA basic point guide



David Bomzon

Avi Amir

Short explanation


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In this video, we’ll demonstrate the locations of the eight basic Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture points. Follow along to learn how each point corresponds to different areas of the body. These points are needled bilaterally and can be used as supplemental acupuncture points in your practice.

At the end of the explanation, there’s a video demonstration. If you have any questions about the guide, please feel free to contact us through our contact form.

What are the 8-basic points:


8 basic points, which are named A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I. Needling or stimulation of these points exerts an extensive effect on the internal organs, musculoskeletal system, and peripheral nervous system. Five of the basic points, namely the A, B, C, D, and E points, are located on the forehead on either side of the midline along the natural hairline on the Yin aspect.

The basic E point is located above both eyebrows in the supraorbital foramen. T he F point is unusual because it is located in the occipital area behind the ears over the mastoid process of the temporal bone at the height of the ear’s tragus on the Yang aspect. The H and I points were added after discovery of the A, B, C, D, E, F, and G points, and the I point has since become a somatotope.

Eight of the nine points, namely the A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H points, have reflection symmetry in the occipital area on the Yang aspect of the scalp

General overview of the basic points
  1. • A: The area between the head and cervical spine from C1 to C7.

  2. • B: The area between the neck and shoulder.

  3. • C: The area between the shoulder and the palm of the hand.

  4. • D: The area of the lumbar spine from the diaphragm to the feet.

  5. • E: The area of the thoracic spine from T1 to T12.

  6. • F: The area of the buttocks (gluteal muscles).

  7. • G: The area of the knee.

  8. • H: Extra-lumbar point 2, the lower extremities, and the knee






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